Jolyane Langlois decided to pursue a dance career while watching Paul-André Fortier perform Solo 30×30 in 2006. She started her dance training in Montréal at L’UQAM and graduated from The School of Toronto Dance Theater in May 2012.
She worked with Allison Cummings and Deborah Pearson for The Queen West Project (2012), performed at the Canadian Dance Festival in June 2013 for Eroca Nicols in DIMBY and was part of Night Shift, a durational work created by Michael Trent and Brendan Fernandes. Jolyane is a member of Social Growl Dance, a young company under the artistic direction of Riley Sims. She dances for Corpus (Feet in the air, Head on the ground!), Jillian Peever and Viv Moore. She will be seen on screen in Disco Temple, a short film created by Cynical People. Jolyane is a curious, risk-taking and passionate dance artist interested in performance art and the use of non-conventionnal spaces and urban landscapes.
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