AN ALBUM IS A DANCE is a poster is a poem is an interview is a conversation is a road trip is a hangover is a dance piece is an institution is a song is a video is a meditation is a installation is an ego is a voyeur is a performance …
Simon Portigal
About Rosé Porn
Rosé Porn is a live cinematic sound work in which the audience plays part in making the architectural space. This work is intended for an intimate audience, where people are invited to circulate — to sit, to walk, to lie down, to close their eyes, to take pictures, to check out, etc…
Throughout the duration of an hour, 3 performers build environments/spaces in which a “dance” or “song” can/will occur. Where and how these installations take form varies, always in relation to who is in the room, and what shape the room takes according to who is there.
Rosé Porn is based on fabricated memories. Memories generated purposefully in the studio, through repetition, in order to be able to write a song, make a dance, talk about what happened and what is happening as material for viewing.
Artistic Statement
I am looking to become occupied with filling up. Until now my work has been about a sort of emptying; exhausting an image, exhausting one self, making visible a void through a voyeuristic aspect/gaze. I am presently curious about working with the transparency of what is there; inside me, inside others — exposing it rather then of stripping it away.
— Zoja Smutny
Curator notes
This work is so far somewhat indescribable. We can say surely that this artistic work, conceived by Zoja Smutny, locates itself at an intersection between the exhibition space, the performance venue and the dance theatre. I have listened to Smutny describe the work as “a dance of an environment,” as the dance itself constructs a space in which all participate as performers, audience and players alike. Continuously evaded throughout these actions of describing the work are the feelings produced from this very special scenario…
Rosé Porn is an investigation of proximity(s): of the spectator to their body, of dance to space, of sound to image, and of all the other intricate undergoings of a room that itself is dancing with you in it. I must admit that this description is bound to fall short in articulating the sensitivity of feelings emergent in the space of this astounding new dance.
— Benjamin Kamino
Performance Photos
Photos by Aundrea Bell (1-4), Benjamin Kamino (5), and Guntar Kravis (6).
Technical requirements for Rosé Porn are malleable to the specific context of each presentation. Each space, each presenter, the time of day, the temperate season, the context of the presentation all play a role in negotiating what will be required for the show to exist.
Performance History
November 4-7, 2015 | Dancemakers (Toronto) | With Victoria Cheong, Brendan Jenson, Simon Portigal & Zoja Smutny.
April 29-30, 2015 | Dancemakers (Toronto) | With Robert Abubo, Amanda Acorn, Victoria Cheong, Ellen Furey, Simon Portigal & Christiopher Willes.

Zoja Smutny