CHRONIC NEED is a work by Alicia Grant in collaboration with Andrea Spaziani.
CHRONIC NEED addresses something that’s always there, something that’s always missing. It’s a dance at the intersection of need and perception.
CHRONIC NEED is looking at each other, looking at you and looking at us.
CHRONIC NEED borrows techniques from qi gong, ouija boards and hypnosis. Through these methods, we engage in a full-body tactility that questions how we see and listen.
A field of disembodied wigs surrounds our dance.
We stretch time.
We stretch space.
We ask ourselves: what do we want from the audience?
We ask you: what do you want from us?
artistic statement
My interest is how to work at sculpting an endlessly recurrent, infinitely present and troublesome need.
By working with presence and absence, Andrea and I are working at shifting our modes of perception. How can we receive the information of the wigs, the public, discomfort and pleasure? How do we stay with the unnameable?
The wigs, for me, are our field of ghosts. Frightening and powerful, empty yet full.
Throughout the process, I encouraged long physical tangents to arrive at a distilled, fierce and confusing situation where the dance could occur.
It’s a hyperfeminine garbage bag:
it’s about
it’s about
it’s about
it’s about
it’s about
what doesn’t leave you
it’s about
what’s always with you
it’s about
something that’s always there
- Some general light and sound are needed.
- 1 dolly for 2 people.
- 2 long mirrors.